We are a modern and innovative service company with our head office in Bonn and focus on the placement of specialist personnel for companies in the following sectors Object service, horticulture and garden equipment.
The company has been in existence since 2007 and so we have the relevant experience in our core areas: and many customers from the early days are still happily on board today.

Since our foundation in 2007, we have continuously expanded our company and extended our service portfolio.
With our current range of products and services we cover all essential areas of gardening and property management: with the essential advantage for our customers to get EVERYTHING FROM ONE HAND.
With us you have a reliable partner who carries out and implements the commissioned work professionally - from planning to completion and aftercare.

Our regional focus is on the Cologne/Bonn region.
Our headquarters have been located in the Geislar district of Bonn since the company was founded in 2007, and our network of suppliers and partners is also based in the region.
Accordingly, we know the region well with all its peculiarities and the spatial proximity to our partners and suppliers guarantees short delivery times and a fast and flexible response to our customers' requests.

Many years of experience and passion have gone into our current service portfolio and our customer base has grown permanently.
Our focus areas are:
- Object support
- Horticulture
- Garden equipment

Since 2007, our customer base has continued to expand and many of our early customers are still on board. Our offer is aimed at:
- Owners of single-family houses or real estate properties
- Owners of apartment buildings
- Owners or tenants of commercial real estate
- Public and commercial clients
For a non-binding inquiry please use our contact form.
There are many good reasons to work with Sascha's janitorial service.
On the one hand, we are a plannable, reliable and binding partner with whom you can still work together on a handshake. On the other hand, we treat your property, your object and the entire project as if it were our personal property: that is, with respect and always with the goal of always achieving the very best.
As an independent service company, we are also able to react flexibly and at short notice. The following things distinguish us:

We take you and your concerns seriously and are appreciative in our dealings with each other

We follow up every request with the due professionalism, no matter from which area